A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben
Historical notes of streets and buildings in the City of London, including references to other relevant sources.
- (Abb-(St.
- (St.-(St.
- (St.-(St.
- (St.-(St.
- (St.-(St.
- (St.-(St.
- (St.-(St.
- (St.-Adel
- Adel-All
- All -Ante
- Aphe-Bacu
- Badg-Bark
- Barl-Beeh
- Beer-Berw
- Beth-Blac
- Blac-Blue
- Blue-Bowy
- Bowy-Brid
- Brid-Bull
- Bull-Cann
- Cann-Cat'
- Cate-Chic
- Chic-Clar
- Clar-Coff
- Coff-Conv
- Conv-Coxe
- Crab-Crow
- Crow-Dean
- Dean-Dors
- Dors-Eale
- Earl-Facu
- Fair-Fins
- Fins-Fore
- Fore-Fumb
- Furn-Gird
- Gird-Gosw
- Gosw-Gree
- Gree-Guls
- Gun -Harc
- Hard-Herb