Woodmongers' Hall

Woodmongers' Hall
   1) In Duke's Place, Aldgate, called the Duke's Hall (Wheatley)
   No other reference.
   2) On the east side of Paul's wharf hill (i.e. Bennet's Hill), in Castle Baynard Ward, between Paul's Wharf west and Ball Alley east (Leake, 1666).
   First mention: A capital house called Woodmongers Hall at the west end of "Poore widowes alley" adjoining the College of Harrolds on the north, opening to Paul's wharf hill on the west with ingress and egress to St. Peter's Hill, 1587 (Lond. I p.m. III. 1o8).
   Not rebuilt after the Fire (Maitland, 1775, 11.879).
   Site occupied by No.14 St. Bennet's Hill (End. Ch. Rep.).

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.

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