(St.) Werhurgh

(St.) Werhurgh
   Land and houses of Galfridus de Frowic in parish of St. Margar' apud "Fridaistrete juxta terram Nichol de stanes versus aquilonem" and land and houses near in parish of St. Wereburge and in parish of St. Augustine "ex opposito Tabule ecclesie sancte Wereburge in corn'io sicut itur versus sanctum Paulum et extendit se usque ad terram Galfr' de sce Laur' versus occidentem," C. 1238 (Harl. Ch. 50, E. 32).
   Messuage at the corner of Fridaystret opposite the door of the church of " St. Werburga" formerly of John Herlicun, 1249 (Cal. Charter Rolls, I. 339).
   "Ecclesia sce Werburg de Frydnystrate," 1277 (515. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A. Box 66, No.6).
   Identified with St. John the Evangelist, Friday Street (q.v.).
   John de Sabrichesworth gave a quit-rent of houses within Bisshopesgate in of St. Werburga, 1315 (Ct. H.W. I. 256).
   See St. Ethelburga1, Bishopsgate.
   Dedication to the Mercian saint, Werburga, of the 8th century, at one time of Ely.

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.

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