- Skinners' Place
- 1) East out of Size Lane, between Queen Victoria Street and Budge Row. In Cordwainer Ward (O.S. 1880).First mention: Elmes, 1831.Described by Elmes as a mansion, belonging to the Skinners' Company on the eastern side of Size Lane, recently converted by the Company into sets of commercial chambers.2) At the east end of Bull's Head Passage, adjoining Leadenhall Market (Lockie, 1810-O.S. 1880).The site is now occupied by the Market as reconstructed 1879-80.The Herb Market occupied the site in the I17th and 18th centuries.Called Skinners' Place from the Skin market in the vicinity (Elmes, 1831).
A Dictionary of London. Henry A Harben. 1918.