- Segeryneslane
- Messuage called the Christopher and two tenements adjoining in Thames Street, to wit at the corner of a lane called " Segeryneslane " in parish of St. Dunstan in the East, purchased of the Mercers Company 1566 (Lond. I. p.m. II. p.44).Earlier form : " Sygrymes lane," I1 Ed. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 11539).From this deed it appears that the messuage in question was situated between "the high street called 'Tamystrate' and the lane called ' Sygrymes lane' towards the east, and other tenements west, stretching from the lane by which one goes to the church of St. Dunstan in Tower Ward towards the north as far as Tamysestrate south."It would appear, then, that " Sygrymeslane" must have been either the present St. Dunstan's hill," or must have lain between that street and Harp Lane. The latter alternative seems the more probable, as St. Dunstan's hill was so named in Stow's time, and if it had been known as " Segerynes" lane so recently as 1566, he would probably have noted the fact.
A Dictionary of London. Henry A Harben. 1918.