- Piepowder Court
- A court of record, incident to a fair. Held in Cloth Fair during the continuance of Bartholomew Fair for the regulation of its proceedings (Dodsley. 1761).
A Dictionary of London. Henry A Harben. 1918.
A Dictionary of London. Henry A Harben. 1918.
Court of Piepowders — A Court of Piepowders was a special tribunal in England organised by a borough on the occasion of a fair or market. These courts had unlimited jurisdiction over personal actions for events taking place in the market, including disputes between… … Wikipedia
court of piepowder — see court of piepoudre * * * Court of Piepowder ● piepowder … Useful english dictionary
Piepowder — Piepoudre Pie pou dre, Piepowder Pie pow der, n. [Lit., dustyfoot, i. e., dusty footed dealers, fr. F. pied foot + poudreux dusty.] (O. Eng. Law) An ancient court of record in England, formerly incident to every fair and market, of which the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pipowder court — Same as piepowder court … Ballentine's law dictionary
piepoudre court — ▪ law piepoudre also spelled Piepowder, lowest and most expeditious of the courts of justice known to the ancient common law of England. It was generally constituted by merchants and dealt with fair trading. The name is derived from the… … Universalium
Großbritannien [1] — Großbritannien (englisch Great Britain, französisch Grand Bretagne), 1) eigentlich die Insel, welche die Reiche England, Wales u. Schottland umfaßt; G. genannt im Gegensatz zu Kleinbritannien (der Bretagne, wohin im 3. Jahrh. n. Chr. viele Briten … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Law of the United Kingdom — The United Kingdom has three legal systems. [ [http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Gtgl1/GuideToGovernment/Judiciary/DG 4003097 The UK has three legal systems, operating in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland ] , direct.gov.uk, accesses 12… … Wikipedia
ANGLAIS (DROIT) — Le droit anglais n’est pas seulement le droit d’une des nations les plus importantes, sur les plans politique et économique, du monde actuel. En dehors du cadre géographique restreint où il est directement applicable (Angleterre et pays de Galles … Encyclopédie Universelle
Law Merchant — The Law Merchant is a legal system used by merchants in medieval Europe, including England. Rather than being the result of the edict of a final authority, it was evolved based on common usage.OriginsThe Law Merchant, or Lex Mercatoria , was… … Wikipedia
Lex mercatoria — (from the Latin for merchant law ) is the body of commercial law used by merchants throughout Europe during the medieval period. It evolved similar to English common law as a system of custom and best practice, which was enforced through a system … Wikipedia