Grocers' Company — The Grocers of old time were called Pepperers and were first incorporated by the name of Grocers in 1345 (S. 265). Elections to the Mistery of Grocers are recorded in 1328 (Cal. L. Bk. E. p. 232), the Apothecaries being enumerated… … Dictionary of London
Worshipful Company of Grocers — The Worshipful Company of Grocers is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. HistoryThe Company was founded in the 14th century (1345) as the Guild of Pepperers , which was first known in the 12th century (1180).cite web |url=… … Wikipedia
John Carpenter, town clerk of London — John Carpenter (1370? 1442?), was an important figure in the early history of the city of London. He left property in his will which eventually led to the founding of the City of London School. LifeIn the 1200s merchants with the surname… … Wikipedia
History of perfume — The history of perfume began in antiquity. The word perfume used today to describe scented mixtures, derives from the Latin per fumus , meaning through smoke . Perfumery, or the art of making perfumes, began in ancient Egypt but was developed and … Wikipedia
Worshipful Company of Grocers — Die Worshipful Company of Grocers (auch kurz: The Grocers Company [1]) ist eine der Livery Companies der City of London. Unter den 108 Companies steht sie an zweiter Stelle der Rangfolge.[2] Sie zählt damit zu den Great Twelve City Livery… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pepperer — One of the many highly specific trades of the time. Pepperers dealt in pepper and spices; later they came to be known as grocers . [< OldEngl. pipor < Lat. piper = pepper] Cf. Pepper … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Apothecaries' Company — Formed one company with the Grocers at first. Incorporated as a separate Company 1617. Grocers petitioned against separation in vain, 1621. So long previously as 1328, the elections to the Mystery of Apothecaries were made separately from… … Dictionary of London
Bucklersbury — South east out of Cheapside, at No. 80, to Walbrook (P.O. Directory). In Walbrook and Cheap Wards. Earliest mention: Bokerelesbury, 1275 (Ct. H.W. I. 26). Other names and forms : Bokerelesberi, 6 Ed. I. (ib. 29). Bokerellesbiry, 1307… … Dictionary of London
Soper's Lane — Occupied the site of Queen Street (q.v.) before the Fire (Leake, 1666). It was of course narrower. In Cordwainer and Cheap Wards. First mention: Soperes lane, 41 H. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 1509). In this deed it is described as a new street.… … Dictionary of London
Soper's Lane, Porters of — The porters of Soper s lane customarily served the Pepperers, 1372, and agreed to serve the Grocers and to have six men ready every day in Soper s lane and Bucklersbury to carry packages (Ct. H.W. II. 145) … Dictionary of London