(Fratres de) Penitentia

(Fratres de) Penitentia
   An order of Friars, called " fratres de Penitencia Jesu Christi," and sometimes "Friars of the Sack," or Penance, because of the sackcloth they wore. A branch of the Franciscans (Newcourt, I. 515).
   Stow says they were in England in 1257 (279-80).
   First mention: 1259 (Ct. H.W. I. 5).
   Their tenements and appurtenances were in "Colcherchstrate" in the parish of St. Olave in the Jewry and in the parish of St. Margaret de Lothebury, as appears from a charter of Queen Alianora, wife of Henry III. , confirming these tenements to them (Cal L. Bk. C. 61).
   Their chapel was on the site of a former synagogue of the Jews in Colechurch Street in 1246. This has been located as at the northern end of the Old Jewry.
   See St. Mary, King's Chapel of.
   The order was suppressed at the Council of Lyons and licence was granted to the brethren to assign their chapel in "Colemanestre," lately a synagogue of the Jews, to Robert Fitz Walter, 33 Ed. I. 1305 (Cal. P.R. Ed. I. 1301-7, p.317).
   Stow says the chapel adjoined Fitz Walter's house, which occupied the site of what was afterwards Grocers' Hall. The site of the chapel in Stow's time was covered by a Tavern with the sign of a Windmill (S. 280).

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.

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