- Pav'd Alley
- 1) East out of Westmoreland Court to Aldersgate Street, in Aldersgate and Farringdon Wards Without (O. and M. 1677).2) West out of Water Lane to Fleet Ditch. In Farringdon Ward Within (Leake, 1666-Boyle. 1799)."King's Street " (P.C. 1732).Site covered by Union Street, New Bridge Street, and Ludgate Hill Station.3) Or Little Queen Street. East out of Hide Market, Leadenhall to Lime Street (P.C. I 732-Rocque, 1746).Pav'd Alley" (Boyle, 1799-Lockie, 1816).Site now occupied by Leadenhall Market, East India Avenue and Chambers, etc.This was quite a common street name in the 17th and 18th centuries and was probably conferred upon the small alleys and passages that had been newly paved by the inhabitants in contradistinction to the numerous unpaved streets still muddy and frequently impassable.See Queen's Colledge Passage Square.
A Dictionary of London. Henry A Harben. 1918.