(St.) Katherine's Precinct

(St.) Katherine's Precinct
   This precinct included the site of the hospital of St. Katherine and its adjacent domains. It consisted of about 24 acres, granted to the Hospital from the date of its foundation, and it owed its existence to the survival of the privileges conferred upon the Hospital from time to time by royal charters and other similar documents.
   At the date of its demolition for the formation of the St. Katherine's Docks it contained within its limits 1250 houses and over 11,000 inhabitants. The streets, etc., removed included the following : Angel Alley, Baily Place, Brush Court, Butcher Row, Cats Hole, Christopher Court, Dark Entry, Dean Street, Flemings' Churchyard, Great Garden Street, Greenwood's Court, Greyhound Court, Gun Yard, Hall's Court, Hangmans' Gains, Hartshorn Brewhouse, Helmet Court, John's Court, Katherine's (St.), Katherine's (St.) Church and Churchyard, Katherine's (St.) Cloysters, Katherine's (St.) Court, Katherine's (St.) Lane, Katherine's (St.) New Court, Katherine's (St.) Square, Katherine's (St.) Hospital, Katherine's (St.) Stairs, King Henry Yard, Lees Court, Lower East Smithfield (part) Maidenhead Court, Maudlins Rents, Phoenix Court, Pillory Lane, Red Lion Court, Rose and Crown Court, Shovel Alley, Star Court, Swan Alley.

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.

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  • Green Church Yard, St. Katherine's Precinct —    See St. Katherine s Churchyard, East Smithfield …   Dictionary of London

  • New Street, St. Katherine's —    There were two streets so called in St. Katherine s precinct towards the end of the 18th century, at the southern end of St. Katherine s lane, one running east to Pillory Lane, the other south to St. Katherine s Court (Horwood, 1799).    They… …   Dictionary of London

  • (St.) Katherine Docks —    East of the Tower and west of London Docks. Divided into two portions east and west. Constructed 1827 8 on the site of the St. Katherine s Hospital and precincts. Architect, Hardwick ; Engineer, Telford. Area, 24 acres. The number of houses… …   Dictionary of London

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  • Hangman's Gains —    A street forming a square, west out of New Street, St. Katherine s lane and running north to St. Katherine s Churchyard. In St. Katherine s precinct (Strype, ed. 1720 Horwood, 1799).    Other forms of name : Hamsdons Gaines (Survey of St.… …   Dictionary of London

  • Greyhound Court —    1) South out of Chick Lane, in Farringdon Ward Without (O. and M. 1677 Elmes, 1831).    Site now covered by Farringdon Road.    2) East out of St. Katherine s Lane. In St. Katherine s Precinct (P.C. 1732 Lockie, 1810).    Removed for the… …   Dictionary of London

  • Hall's Court —    South out of Great Garden Street. In St. Katherine s precinct (Horwood, 1799 Lockie, 1810).    Former names : Halls Rents (Survey of St. Katherine s, 1686, Sloane MS. 3254, A. 1 London Guide, 1758). Hills Rents (Rocque, 1746).    Removed for… …   Dictionary of London

  • Hazard's Rents —    In St. Katherine s Precinct (Survey of St. Katherine s, 1686. Sloane MS. 3254, A. 4. P.C. 1732).    Called Hazards Rents or Harrow Alley, London Guide, 1758.    Site now occupied by St. Katherine s Docks, etc …   Dictionary of London

  • Black's Rents —    In St. Katherine s precinct (Survey Sloane, MS. 3254, A. 4).    Called Bleeks Rents or Eagle and Child Alley.    Site now occupied by St. Katherine s Docks and the adjacent warehouses …   Dictionary of London

  • Greenwood's Court —    West out of Nightingale Lane, between Sun Yard and Angel Alley. (In St. Katherine s Precinct.) (Rocque, 1746 Lockie, 1810).    Former name : Ringwood Court (Strype s map, ed. 1720).    Removed and site covered by the St. Katherine Docks and… …   Dictionary of London

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