Le Horsheved

Le Horsheved
   Tenement so called within Ludgate (Cal. L. Bk. G. p. 286).
   Not further identified.
   "Heved," M.E. = "head."
   The sign was the "horse head."

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.

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  • Horsheved on the Hoop —    Tenement so called in parish of St. Mary Colechurche near the Conduit, south of the Poultry, in Cheap Ward, 1 Rich. II. (Anc. Deeds, A. 7593).    Brew house called le Horsehed, 4 H. IV. (ib. A. 6869).     Horse Head in Chepe, 28 H. VIII. 1536… …   Dictionary of London

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