- Hamond's Alley, Yard
- West out of Bishopsgate Street in Bishopsgate Ward Within (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 108).First mention: "Hammond's alley" in deed 1588 (End. Ch. Rep. 1903-4). "Hamondes Alley, parish of St. Martin Outwich," 40 Eliz. (1598) (Lond. I. p.m. III. p. 258).Other name : "Hamans Alley" (O. and M. 1677).Two houses in the Alley formed part of the Parochial Charities of St. Martin's (Strype, ib.).In O. and M. and the early maps, the ward and parochial boundaries here are treated as identical, but in the O.S. the parochial boundary of St. Martin Outwich is placed further north, allowing for the inclusion of the alley in that parish.Nine tenements in Hammond's Alley, with other messuages adjoining, devised in 1588 for the use of the parish of St. Clement Eastcheap. These premises were identified in 1830 as 112 Bishopsgate Street Within, adjoining the South Sea House east, on the site now occupied by the National Priovncial Bank of England (q.v.).
A Dictionary of London. Henry A Harben. 1918.