
   Lands and tenements within the parish of St. Peter the Less in Themsestrete between the lane called "Fresshfisshlane" and the lane called "Kyngeslane" otherwise "Arouneslane," 1449 (Ct. H.W. II. 517).
   The property referred to must be in Queenhithe Ward.
   See Arounes Lane.
   Qy. = Lambeth Hill.

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.

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  • Arounes Lane —    Lands and tenements within the parish of St. Peter the Less in Themsestrete, situate between the lane called Fresshfisshlane and the lane called Kyngeslane, otherwise Arounes lane, 1449 (Ct. H.W. II. 517).    The property referred to must have …   Dictionary of London

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