- Farringdon Ward Without
- The westernmost of the City wards, outside the walls, and extending north to the parish of Clerkenwell, south to the Thames, and west to the borough of Holborn and the city of Westminster. To the east it adjoins the wards of Farringdon Within and Aldersgate.Formerly formed one ward with Farringdon Within, from which it was separated in 1393-4, and a separate Alderman elected for it owing to the increase of property and inhabitants of the two wards (Cal. L. Bk. H. p. 407).Names and forms of name : "Ward of Ludgate," 1307-8 (Cal. L. Bk. C. p. 159), "Farndon extra," 18 Ed. II. (West. Abbey MS. 12339). "Ward of Nicholas de Farndone without," 1301 (Cal. Cor. Rolls, p. 21). "Ward of Fletestrete," 1310 (Cal. L. Bk. D. p. 236). "Ward without Lutgate," 1310 (ib. p. 299). "Ward of Anketin de Auvergne," 1276 (ib. B. p. 261). "Ward of Farndon Without," 1348-9 (Ct. H. W. I. 524). "Ward of Flete," 26 Ed. III. (Cal. Close R. 1349-54, p. 497). "Ward of Faryngdon Without," 6 Rich. II. (Anc. Deeds, C. 3580).The streets and buildings in the ward have undergone extensive alterations in the course of the 18th and 19th centuries. The Fleet River and Ditch having been converted into a sewer have entirely disappeared and a handsome street, Farringdon Street, has been constructed over the site.The construction of Holborn Viaduct, Holborn Circus, Ludgate Circus and Charterhouse Street and the Thames Embankment have involved the demolition and rebuilding of enormous areas, and the disappearance of numberless small courts and alleys, old taverns, etc., in the districts affected.The peculiar privileges of the precincts of Whitefriars and Bridewell have disappeared and have given place to modern conditions of government and jurisdiction.See Farringdon Ward.
A Dictionary of London. Henry A Harben. 1918.