- Elsing Spital
- A Priory of Augustinian Canons and a hospital for blind men, called the Hospital of St. Mary within Cripplegate or Elsing Spital.On the east side of Philip Lane, between Philip Lane and Gayspor Lane, on the south side of London Wall.Site shown on O.S. 1875, occupied by Sion College.Earliest mention: License granted to William de Elsyng to alienate in mortmain certain houses in the parishes of St. Alphege and St. Mary Aldermanbury to found a hospital for 100 blind people in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 3 Ed. III. 1329 (Cal P.R. Ed. III. 1327-30, p. 360).Deed of foundation of hospital of St. Mary in parishes of St. Alphege and St. Mary Aldermanbury by William de Elsyngg, confirmed 4 Ed. III. 1330 (ib. 1330-4, p. 49).Founded for sustenance of a master and four secular priests by William de Elsyng as hospital of St. Mary within Crepilgate. Five canons regular of the rule of St. Augus tine substituted i6 Ed. III. 1342 (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1340-3, p. 416).Other names : "New Hospital within Crepulgate," 1330-1 (Ct. H.W. I. 362). Hospital of St. Mary within Crepulgate called "Elysyngge Spitele," 27 Ed. III. (Cal. L. Bk. G. p. 16). "Hospital of St. Mary Aldermanbury," 1338 (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1338-40, p. 171). "Elsynges Spital," 1350-1 (Ct. H.W. I. 641). "Hospital of St. Mary de Elsyngspittle," 1371 (ib. II. 139). "Mary, priorie of Elsing Spital," 1521 (Arnold's Chronicle, p. 251).William de Elsinge was Warden of the Hospital 1330-1 (Ct. H.W. I. 362).Named after him "Elsynges Spital."The Hospital was dissolved and the church of Elsingspittle given to be the parish church of St. Alphes, Cripplegate, 28 H. VIII. 1536 (L. and P. H. VIII. X. 460).Grant of site of the Hospital for secular uses, 31 H. VIII. (ib. XV., p. 292).Stow says there was a great fire there in 1541 (S. 297).Sir Rowlande Haywarde was in possession of the premises 36 Eliz. 1594 (Lond. I. p.m III. 207).Sion College (q.v.) was erected on the site about 1623, but was removed to Victoria Embankment in 1886.The site is now occupied by business premises in Aldermanbury Avenue and London Wall.
A Dictionary of London. Henry A Harben. 1918.