Addle Street

Addle Street
   West out of Aldermanbury to Wood Street at No.43 and to Silver Street (P.O. Directory). In Cripplegate Ward Within.
   First mention: " Addlestreete " (S. ed. 1598, p.231). Earlier names and forms : " Adelane " or " Adeistrete," 1556 (Ct. H.W. II. 66o). ,"Addelane," 33 Ed. I. (Anc. Deeds, A. 2451).
   Described elsewhere in deeds relating to the same property as" The lane leading from Aldermanburi," 31 Ed. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 2457 and 2459).
   "Adelane," 4 Ed. III. (ib. 2452). "Adellane," 34 Ed. III. (ib. 2455). "Athelane," 1367 (Ct. H.W. II. 105). "Adlyngstrete," 1400 (Cal. P.R. H. IV. 1399-1401, p.193).
   It seems probable from the description of the property at the last-named reference, as situated "between the church of St. Mary at the end of Stanynglane end and Adlyngstrete," that this latter street is to be identified with Addle Street.
   Adlane," alias " Adellane," 2 Eliz. (1560). (Lond. I. p.m. I.202). "Adlestreete," 1611 (Ct. H.W. II.734). " Adle Street," Leake, 1666.
   Stow says he does not know the origin of the name.
   Inhabited by Joiners (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 90).
   In 1633 ed. of Stow's Survey it is suggested that the name is derived from King Adelstane, who is said to have had a house with an entrance in Adel Street, and that in evidences the street is called " King Adel Street." There do not appear, however, to be any records giving this form of the name. The Saxon word" Atheling "means" noble," the word" ethel " = home, dwelling, etc. The earlier forms set out above suggest the derivation from the personal names "Ade," "Adel," or " Æthel," " Adda," all of which occur in early records.

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.

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