- Angel Alley
- 1) West out of Bishopsgate in Bishopsgate Ward Without between Nos. 137 and 138 (O. and M. 1677-to O.S. 1880). During the 17th and 18th centuries and part of the 19th century the street extended from Long Alley to Bishopsgate Street Without, but in the middle of the 19th century it suffered considerable curtailment owing to railway construction and the formation of Broad Street Station, the eastern end only, formerly called Angel Square (q.v.) being left. This end was swallowed up about 18 years ago in the extension of Liverpool Street Station, so that the alley has ceased to exist. It is suggested that the Angel Inn stood here, where the Parish Clerks had their first Hall (N. and Q. 11th S. III. p. 2 and 3).Probably most of the courts and alleys, etc., designated by this name derive their names from a sign in the locality.2) West out of Little Moorfields, leading to Moor Lane (O. and M. 1677-O.S. 1848-5I). In Cripplegate Ward Without.Removed c. 1865 for the erection of Moorgate Street Station and the formation of the Metropolitan Railway lines.3) South out of Thames Street, between White Cock Alley and Red Bull Alley. In Dowgate Ward (O. and M. 1677-Boyle, 1799).Site now covered by Red Bull Wharf (q.v.).4) In Shoe Lane. In Farringdon Ward Without (Strype, 1755-Boyle, 1799).Site not located, the alley not being named on the maps. Possibly = Angel Court, Shoe Lane (q.v.).5) East out of Whitecross Street, in Cripplegate Ward Without (P.C. 1732-Boyle, 1799).Not named in the maps.6) South out of London Wall, against Old Bethl'em, a passage to Coleman Street Ward (Hatton, 1708-Boyle, 1799).Not named in the maps.
A Dictionary of London. Henry A Harben. 1918.