Chapel upon the Charnell in St. Paul's Churchyard

Chapel upon the Charnell in St. Paul's Churchyard
   Newly built chapel in St. Paul's Churchyard beyond the charnel house mentioned in will of Roger Beyvin, 1277-8 (Ct. H.W I. 29).
   Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary (H. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. 33).
   Described by Fabyan as standing in the churchyarde at Powlys, over the Charnell house, 1516 (Fabyan's Chr. p. 297.)
   The poor chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary over the charnel house (super ossamenta mortuorum) in St. Paul's Churchyard, 8 H. VI. (Cal. L. Bk. K. 115).
   Strype calls it the chapel of All Souls over the charnel house, Rich. II. (ed. 1720, 1. III. 148).

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.

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  • (St.) Paul's Charnel House —    On the north side of St. Paul s Churchyard, a large charnel house for the bones of the dead and over it a chapel (S. 331).    Founded about 1282 out of rents of shops built without the wall of the churchyard. Pulled down 1549 and bones removed …   Dictionary of London

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