- Westoneslane
- In parish of All Hallows the Less, in Dowgate Ward. First mention : 31 Ed. III. 1357 (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1354-8, p.636). other names and forms: "Weston lane," 1378 (ib. Rich. II. 1377-81, p.98). "Westonneslane," 1401 (ib. H. IV. 1399-1401, p.546).In 17 Ed. III. it is called " Armenterslane" and was in the possession of John de Westone, and complaint was made against him that he had closed it to the public contrary to right and custom (Lib. Cust. II. p.448).It appears to have been called "Westoneslane" subsequently to this date, after the owner John de Westone.The street seems also to have been called " Alhalwenestrete the litel under the lofte," 3 Ric. II. 1379 (Cal. P.R. Ric. II. 1377-81, p.376), which suggests that it may be identified with the lane afterwards called Cold Harbour (q.v.).
A Dictionary of London. Henry A Harben. 1918.