Artirce, The King's

Artirce, The King's
   In Lime Street.
   Stow describes it as a mansion house of the Kings, 14 Ed. I. (S. 152), and Strype says that Queen's Square was erected on the site of a large house, anciently supposed to belong to the Kings and Queens (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 89).
   Described as the King's mansion called the kynges " artery " in Lymestrete, 14 Ed. IV. 1474 (Cal. P.R. Ed. IV. 1467-77, p. 439). Ed. I. is evidently an error for Ed. IV. in Stow and the ' c ' probably an error for ' e,' which would make the word " artiree."
   See Queen's Colledge Passage Square.
   It does not seem to be possible to arrive at any satisfactory explanation or derivation of this word unless it is a contracted form of the word " artelries " = " artillery," and was a storehouse for arms. The word " artelleries " occurs in this sense in Chaucer's " Tale of Melibeus " and " artery " might be a contraction, originally written thus : " arteries." The form " artry " is given in N.E.D., s.v. " artillery."

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.

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  • Queen's Colledge Passage Square, or Queen's Square Passage —    South out of Leadenhall Street and east to Lime Street. In Lime Street Ward (Strype, 1720 and 1755).    A passage into Leadenhall Market. The southern portion called Pav d Alley, or Little Queen Street (q.v.) in Rocque, 1746, the northern… …   Dictionary of London

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