Drinkwater Wharf

Drinkwater Wharf
   In the parish of St. Magnus the Martyr at the foot of London Bridge. In Bridge Ward Within.
   On the south side of Thames Street (S. 217).
   Earliest mention: "Drynkewaterwharf," 34 Ed. III. (Ch. I. p.m. 82). "Drynkwatereswharf," 34-5 Ed. III. 1361 (Cal. Close R. Ed. III. 1360-4, p. 288).
   In 1388 and 1434 it belonged to Robert Cok (Ct. H.W. II. 268 and 472) ; and in 1448 was known as "Drynkwater Wharf," alias "Cokkeswharf" (Cal. P.R. H. VI. 1448-52, p. 174).
   A good example showing how these wharves changed their names from time to time according to their ownership.
   The site must now be occupied by London Bridge Wharf.
   The tenement near London Bridge in which Thomas Drinkwater used to live belonged to Thomas de Foleham in 1328, and was called "Drinkewaterestaverne" (Ct. H. W. I. 337).
   It probably adjoined the wharf.

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.

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